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Web Links for Teachers and Parents

The following links are to websites where you can search for teaching notes, interactive activities, downloadable worksheets and project ideas. Most are free.
Note for parents: the mathematics curriculum is very similar for most western countries.  
As a general rule: 
Year 8 NZ = Level 4 NZ Curriculum = 7th Grade USA = Year 8 Australia = KS3 UK

(Key Stage 3 (KS3) is the UK level for 11-14 year olds.  You will find that upper KS2 and lower KS3 tasks equivalent to NZ Year 8 curriculum.)

There are some brilliant ideas out there - be inspired :)


Rich tasks.  Select 'Upper Primary' and then enter 'fractions' (or whatever your current topic is) in the search bar.  Great starter, extension task or part of your main teaching programme.

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Transum Maths

With sections for teachers and learners, the Transum Maths consists of investigations, videos, daily starters and puzzles to support learning.

BBC Bitesize KS2

Notes, interactive activities and games for upper primary maths. Loads of content, easy to follow.  This is a good starting place for Year 8 students who need some revision.

Khan Academy Maths

Students can register for free. Teaching videos and interactive activities.  The first couple of lessons may be too easy or too difficult, but stick with it and the programme will soon adapt to your level.

BBC Bitesize KS3

Notes, interactive activities and games for lower secondary maths. The more basic activities follow the NZ Y8 curriculum, but much of this content goes into Level 5 (Year 9-10).

Maths is Fun

Notes, examples and interactive activities.  Visually appealing and easy to follow.

E Ako Maths

Interactive NZ curriculum maths activities from nzmaths.  Teachers can register a class or students can register from home for free.

The Mathematics Shed

Lots of great teaching ideas for all levels.  Check out the lego maths section for students who are struggling with number concepts.

Best Maths

Basically covers the curriculum

Maths is Good for You

Some interesting ideas and activities.  Includes the history of maths - links to ancient civilizations if studying societies and systems/people and places.

Absurd Math

Interactive, problem-solving game series.  Extension task.

Make Math More

Some of the best real life maths tasks I have seen for extending Year 8 students.  Most suitable for able students who need extending. Small cost to purchase tasks.  Worth it.

Numeracy Ninjas

KS3 numeracy intervention designed to fill gaps in students’ basic mental calculation strategies. Free downloadable booklets. This link takes you to part of the site which covers most of the number curriculum for NZ Year 8 (scroll down to Key Skills). 


Videos, examples, excercises and tests.  Some content is free.  Small cost to access all content. 

Teacher Tools
NZ video lessons, activities and games, based on The Numeracy Project.

Content on website is free to use.  Books can be purchased.

Math Playground

Free online maths games

Sheppard Software

Free online maths games


Free online maths games.

Youtube Channel: Teacher Tube Maths

Playlist of teaching videos - some better than others.

Maths in Sport

Millenium Maths Project: maths in sport links.  University of Cambridge Mathematics project. Links to Nrich and other sites. Video content won't play in NZ but links are worth looking at.

Math Goodies

Games and activities.
You just have to look past all the advertising.

Get the Math - intro to algebra

Algebra in real life.  Videos and project tasks.  Very engaging.  Challenges to complete.  Fits well with career paths topic at Intermediate.

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Enriching Math Teaching

Resources to support the teaching of maths through rich tasksl

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